Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hello parents! We're here again. Today was the last day of our CIP Programme. TADAA! This day, we rushed to finish up our last bit of the building. We were supposed to make the flooring of the hut. It was tedious, but we were all in high spirits, with a common goal, which is to complete the building of the hut by today. We stood under the scorching sun, forming many human chains, passing buckets and buckets of soil to make the flooring. After many hours of hard work, it is finally lunchtime! We enjoyed the lunch at the orphanage. It was superb. After lunch, we continued with our building and teaching. Soon after, we completed the flooring of the hut. It was time to distribute the gifts that we brought along for the children at the orphanage. We gave them each a photograph of themselves and us. They loved it. Also, we gave them stickers, a lollipop, and a paper-star! It was finally farewell time. Everyone was crestfallen, but we hid our emotions behind our happy faces, lest we hurt the children`s feelings. We left with a heavy heart, but with happy memories. Our dinner today was excellent. We had international buffet in a classy restaurant. Also, we had a chance to watch Apsara dance. Then, the teachers brought us to the night market to buy souvenirs. Thats all for today! Logging off, Goodnight!

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